Analogue and Digital
The digital media industry has changed rapidly, thanks to the growth in digital technology. Nearly every person and company today uses digital media to access information, entertainment, marketing or social networks. Back in the 1970s, one of the most exciting things you could own was a digital watch.

ANALOGUE- Devices which record data linearly from one point to another. analogue devices read the media, such as tapes or records, by scanning the physical data off the media

DIGITAL- devices which perform all calculations using ones and zeroes. This method of computing is referred to as the "binary system". Digitized information is recorded in binary code of combinations of 0 and 1's. Digital technology enables immense accounts of information to be compressed on small storage devices that can be easily preserved and transported.

Digital Devices- Computer, phone, Projector, Printer, dvd player, Tv, calculator,artboard, hdmi cable
Analogue Devices -clock,dvd player, speaker,

 5 sectors -
Sectors: an area or portion of the media that is distinct from others.
Products: the media is created i.e movies, TV shows, playstation games
platforms: a digit way for the media to be distributed and accessed. Digital distributed includes TV broadcasts
Devices: are used to access digital media.
moving image - POWER season 3 episode 7
audio - drake hotline bling
publishing -  the sun(newspaper)
websites -
gaming - call of duty

Harry potter - Ebook
GTA- ps4
Game of Thrones- Laptop
Spotify- phone
call of duty- ps4
fast and the furious- TV

Synergy- Often, digital media sectors do not exist independently. They often overlap and are connected. This is referred to as SYNERGY


ANSWER: One of the reasons why there is such high levels of overlap in the digital media industry is because of exposure. One of the reasons is exposure because if someone was going to invest a high budget on a film they were creating, they would want to make as much money as they can from it. So they would also create a game so younger children would also use this ( Gaming)and also, You would maybe make a book so you would make more money and its gives it more attention/exposure. Also, if you were going to spend high budgets on a film, you might want to think about making a website incase someone wanted to find out more about the film or so it can bring more exposure. Another reason why there are such high levels of overlap in the digital media industry is because of financial reasons. Them being that if you are going to invest a high budget into a film, you would make a website, publish a book or maybe also make a game so you can get more money and make the most of it. One example would be Game of thrones which is a very successful TV show which has been an ongoing series for about 7 years. They make more money through the books they publish, the website they have and also they have games on different platforms which benefits them and gives them more exposure and more money.

Media technological convergence is the tendency that as technology changes, different technological systems sometimes evolve towards performing similar tasks. For example, a mobile phone can now do more than just call and text, it has a number of other functions reducing the need for a bunch of devices.


Technological convergence has allowed us to use a bunch of devices all on one device which has a better portability. for example, if you wanted to take pictures you might have a phone but you would need to bring a camera too but today, you would be able to buy a phone and take pictures with it to, and also do stuff like use google maps, calculator, read newspapers etc.
Advantages of technological convergence would be that you can access other people and other devices with just one, and a phone which has multiple different functions, its also portable because its small and you can carry it with you at all times. One disadvantage of technological convergence would be that if you ran out of battery or you lose connection, its bad. for example, if you are trying to travel somewhere and your data runs out, you wont be able to use the maps anymore to navigate to your destination. another advantage of technological convergence would be that you can contact people which are distant from you with your phone by texting, calling or even video chatting. Another disadvantage of technological convergence is that because people today are relying more on their phones and technology so they don't have as much face to face interaction because people will just text each other to communicate. Also, another advantage would be that it saves a lot of time, for example, you can now access your bank and your balance and send/transfer money etc. but before, you would have to travel to the bank and do it yourself so technological convergence has also saved a lot of time.

5 stages of production:

  • pre-production- planning, script, actors
  • production- actually filming, acting out
  • post-production- editing, putting it together
  • distribution- sending it to different platforms like: cinemas, youtube, 123movies, putlocker
  • exhibition- people actually watching it or viewing the movie.


5 sectors -
Digital Media - calculations with 1's and 0's
Analogue- Devices which record data linearly from one point to another.

Synergy - 2 sectors that go together eg: Harry Potter ( has a game, film, book, website)

Technological convergence- when technology changes, when 2 devices turn into one, for example, you can take pictures with a phone instead of using a phone and camera separately.

Individual consumption: when users engage with a digital media product on their own, for solo enjoyment( i.e, reader, gamer, consumer, web surfer, listener, DVD, viewer, social networking etc.).

Group Consumption: When users engage with a digital media product with others, for collective enjoyment( i.e. social interaction, competition, belonging, sharing).

Passive: we blindly accept what we are given/ told etc.
Active: We have a choice. We choose to consume a media text to fulfil our own needs.

Hypodermic Needle Model
This was one of the first media theories used as an attempt to explain how audiences consume media. It suggests that the audience, PASSIVELY (without realisation) receive information via media text and that they do not challenge or process the information.

The Users and Gratification model
The users and gratification theory states that we are ACTIVE consumers of media and that there are four main reasons we choose to consume any given media product:

  • Need of Social Interaction
  • Need for Education/Information
  • Need for identity
  • Need for entertainment
Regulatory Bodies
BBFC = British Board Of Film Control
PEGI = Pan European Game Information
ASA = Advertising Standard Authority
IPSO = Independent Press Standards Organisation
OFCOM = Office Of Communications

ASA handle complaints from people and, also they look for false advertisement and they make sure that the advertisement shows the full charges and so there is no false advertisement.
IPSO regulates the press, news and magazines.
BBFC identify content and put the age rating on films.

Understanding Audiences Through Research
Audience Statistics - When facts and figures are collected on things like circulation, website 'hits', box office figures, ratings, sales, etc.

Primary Research - research that is conducted first-hand (questionnaires, focus groups).

Secondary Research - 'second-hand' research conducted by using existing primary research information (books, internet, magazines).

Qualitative research - measuring individual opinions, attitudes, behaviour and the psychology behind the choices people make.

Quantitative research - to measure responses in quantifiable terms (how much, how many), using numerical data.

Each thing that you hear has been carefully selected and chosen for a reason - to elicit a certain response from the audience.

Ambient Sound - the sounds of everything going on around the person who is speaking.
For example, the sound of waves and wind on a beach scene.

Synchronised Sound - the words are spoken to match the lip movements of the speaker.
Often used in music videos or musical programs.

Voice-over Sound - sound that is dubbed onto any picture sequences.
Documentaries and advertisements often use a lot of voice-over.

Sound effects - usually, added to the soundtrack at the dubbing stage. Sound effects can be sub-divided into two types:
-sounds to match actions of events on the screen( for example a door slamming, or glass breaking).
-sounds that are about a scene but do not match anything actually shown (for example the sound of birds singing might accompany a scene in the countryside).

Music - Music is the final sound added to film/television shows in post-production.
Music is used to make the audience feel certain emotions as they watch the action on screen.
In high-budget film or television productions, specially composed music will be commissioned for the soundtrack.

Diegetic Sound - sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:
-voices of characters
-sounds made by objects in the story
-music represented as coming from instruments in the story space( = source music).

Non-Diegetic Sound - sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:
-narrator's commentary
-mood music
-sound effects which are added for the dramatic effect
non-diegetic sound sound is represented as coming from the source outside story space.

Reception Theory
The theory states that media texts are encoded by the producer meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with values and messages.

A text can be received in one of three ways;
1) dominant or preferred reading
2) negotiated reading
3) oppositional reading

Dominant or Preferred reading

This is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read.
The audience agree with the messages and ideology that the producer has placed behind the text.
The audience will view the text in the way the producer wanted them to.
Overall, this is a positive thing for the producer of the text as it means their advertisement has been successful as to get across the messages and values the producer wanted.
EG: a handbag that looks good to a female reader encouraging her to want to go out and buy it.

Negotiated Reading

This is a compromise between the dominant  reading and the oppositional reading of the text. The audience accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text.
They do not agree or disagree, they can however see a point being made in relation to the reading while also making their own opinions.
Overall, this is a good response to an advert as it is still getting the message the producer wanted to get across, even if the reader is also making their own judgement.
EG:  they see a handbag advertised and think it looks nice but cant afford the money to buy the bag.

Oppositional Reading

The audience rejects the producers preferred reading and creates their own reading of the text, usually this is the opposite of what the producer intended.
The reader rejects the meaning completely as they do not agree with the message that is being presented to the audience.
Overall this is a bad response to get to an advert as it will mean the people who view it will not want to buy the product and do not agree with the producers ideologies and messages
EG: an advertisement for a handbag is rejected completely as the reader believes the advert is stereotyping woman and categorising them on their appearance.
